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Bug#1006348: lintian: Tag improbable-bug-number-in-closes condition considers 7-digit bug numbers improbable

On 24-Feb-2022, Ben Finney wrote:

> Currently the tag's condition matches all bug numbers 1000000 or
> higher:
> =====
> W: xkcdpass: improbable-bug-number-in-closes 1006311
> =====
> The maximum bug number should be increased to allow likely bug numbers
> for some number of years into the future.

I'm not clear on why this occurs. The relevant code appears to be in

        for my $bug (@{$latest_entry->Closes}) {

                $latest_pointer, $bug)
              if $bug < $FIRST_ARCHIVED_BUG_NUMBER
              || $bug >= $OUT_OF_REACH_BUG_NUMBER;

where ‘$OUT_OF_REACH_BUG_NUMBER’ is defined in the same file:

const my $OUT_OF_REACH_BUG_NUMBER => 1_500_000;

Yet, with Lintian version 2.111.0, I get the tag raised for bug
numbers lower than that.

$ lintian --version
Lintian v2.111.0

$ lintian
W: xkcdpass: improbable-bug-number-in-closes 1006311

 \          “Pity the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” —Donald |
  `\                                              Robert Perry Marquis |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <bignose@debian.org>

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