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Bug#997837: lintian ignores "Files-Included' field of debian/copyright

Hi Yadd,

On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 9:57 AM Yadd <yadd@debian.org> wrote:
> a lot of false positive source-ships-excluded-file.

This bug brought to mind Bug#993758 from a few weeks ago, which was
about another node package. Maybe I do not understand how the fields
should interact.

All the files listed as erroneously included are located in those seven folders:


But the d/copyright file has:

    Files-Excluded: *
    Files-Included: packages/inject shared util

None of the paths above appear in Files-Included, while Files-Excluded
applies to everything else. Could you try adding them?

Alternatively, please take a moment to explain to me how the fields
are supposed to work!

There is no reference implementation for DEP-5 copyrights. I wrote
Lintian's from scratch. Thanks!

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

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