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Bug#994139: lintian: warning about superficial autopkgtests is counterproductive


On Sun, Sep 12, 2021 at 11:09 AM Simon McVittie <smcv@debian.org> wrote:
> lintian has recently started emitting warnings for packages that
> have autopkgtests, but only superficial autopkgtests.

The tag was implemented in response to Bug#932870. [1] It was
originally suggested on OFTC#debci by dkg (who was copied here). I
never heard back whether my implementation met the original intent.
The tag originally had the info visibility, but was later upgraded to
a warning. [2]

> I think this is counterproductive.

Thank you for that pointer. This reply merely acknowledges your
filing. I am trying to reconstruct how users perceive the interaction
of these tags. Lintian hopes to offer middle-of-the-road advice.

> the meaning of
> testsuite-autopkgtest-missing might have changed at some point so that it
> is only emitted for packages that have debian/tests/control, rather than
> for all packages that lack autopkgtests?

Maybe a word is missing? The tag 'testsuite-autopkgtest-missing' was
renamed to 'missing-tests-control' and is issued at the info level
when sources do NOT ship debian/tests/control (or declare a predefined
test suite in d/control, usually for teams). [3]

Lintian also issues 'no-tests' for defective control stanzas [4] and
the somewhat specialized 'no-op-testsuite' for fakers [5]. The
relevant code with a few other tags is located here. [6]

I will likely respond with a suggested solution at some point in the
future. Meanwhile, comments are welcome!

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

[1] https://bugs.debian.org/932870
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/lintian/lintian/-/commit/cbf654cce71dd2ac294c82767963cc0507093d42
[3] https://salsa.debian.org/lintian/lintian/-/blob/master/tags/m/missing-tests-control.tag
[4] https://salsa.debian.org/lintian/lintian/-/blob/master/tags/n/no-tests.tag
[5] https://salsa.debian.org/lintian/lintian/-/blob/master/tags/n/no-op-testsuite.tag
[6] https://salsa.debian.org/lintian/lintian/-/blob/master/lib/Lintian/Check/Testsuite.pm

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