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Re: failed all build of lintian 2.81.0

Hi Chris,

Here is a pointer to the lines copying the files. There are two
identical segments like this in

    if [ -d $(origdata)/. ] ; then \
        cp -rp $(origdata)/. $(packagedir) ; \

I haven't touched those lines in a year or two, but does that dot in
the -d test expression look odd to you?

It's also important that $(ROOT_DIR) is set right, but we have never
had problems with it before.

ROOT_DIR:=$(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))

Here is the invocation:

% more t/templates/upload-make-builder/fill-values.d/upload-make-builder.values
Upload-Type: [% $host_architecture %]
Build-Product: [% $source %]_[% $no_epoch %]_[% $upload_type %].changes
Build-Command: make --trace -f [% $source_path %]/Makefile
DEFAULT_DH_COMPAT=[% $dh_compat_level %]
Default-Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= [% $dh_compat_level %])

Since the tests are new and were written together, something may be
wrong with them specifically. Unfortunately, I do not know, even
though I just looked at them again.

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

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