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Rewriting our git history for non-UTF-8 filenames?

Hi Chris,

List is copied.

Bastian Blank think we should perhaps merge two commits that both
generate 500 errors in Salsa, and rewrite history:


Do you have a position?

Relevant IRC exchange with pros and cons is below.

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

* * *

08:48 < lechner> waldi: i removed the non-UTF-8 filename from lintian,
but that blob also causes a 500 error. perhaps the detail helps to
                 the issue further.
08:49 -!- ema [~ema@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
08:49 < waldi> lechner: well. did you force-push to eradicate it from history?
08:49 -!- ema [~ema@] has joined #alioth
08:50 < mapreri> err why
08:50 < mapreri> that's a gitlab bug, there is no need to mess with
published history
08:52 < lechner> waldi: i did not, but am not opposed to it if it
makes your life easier.
08:52 < lechner> although I also agree with mapreri
08:53 < mapreri> please do not break other's clones just for that
08:56 < waldi> "doctor, doctor, it hurts when i do this"
08:56 < waldi> i the end, i don't care. you need to live with error messages
08:58 < waldi> (and i have to ignore it)
09:08 < lechner> we made one release, and it may also mess up some
commit references in messages and bug reports, but that's probably
fewer than
                 five. i'll check with lamby and get back to you.

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