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Re: lintian: source-is-missing error for doxygen files

Hi Joan,

Here is the lintian output I saw:

$ lintian lwip_2.1.2-5.1.dsc
E: lwip source: source-is-missing doc/doxygen/output/html/jquery.js
line length is 32401 characters (>512)
E: lwip source: source-is-missing doc/doxygen/output/html/menu.js line
length is 695 characters (>512)
E: lwip source: source-is-missing
doc/doxygen/output/html/search/all_11.js line length is 312 characters
E: lwip source: source-is-missing ... use --no-tag-display-limit to
see all (or pipe to a file/program)
W: lwip source: ancient-standards-version 3.9.8 (released 2016-04-06)
(current is 4.4.1)
W: lwip source: dep5-copyright-license-name-not-unique bsd (paragraph
at line 123)
W: lwip source: dep5-copyright-license-name-not-unique bsd (paragraph
at line 177)
W: lwip source: dep5-copyright-license-name-not-unique bsd (paragraph
at line 191)
W: lwip source: dep5-copyright-license-name-not-unique ... use
--no-tag-display-limit to see all (or pipe to a file/program)
W: lwip source: invalid-short-name-in-dep5-copyright bsd (paragraph at line 703)
I: lwip source: debian-watch-uses-insecure-uri
I: lwip source: testsuite-autopkgtest-missing
I: lwip source: unused-file-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright paragraph at line 718
I: lwip source: vcs-field-not-canonical
I: lwip source: wildcard-matches-nothing-in-dep5-copyright Makefile.am
(paragraph at line 718)
I: lwip source: wildcard-matches-nothing-in-dep5-copyright
configure.ac (paragraph at line 718)
I: lwip source: wildcard-matches-nothing-in-dep5-copyright
src/include/netif/ppp/chap_ms.c (paragraph at line 150)
P: lwip source: insane-line-length-in-source-file
doc/doxygen/output/html/jquery.js line length is 32401 characters
P: lwip source: insane-line-length-in-source-file
doc/doxygen/output/html/menu.js line length is 701 characters (>512)
P: lwip source: insane-line-length-in-source-file
doc/doxygen/output/html/search/all_9.js line length is 574 characters
P: lwip source: insane-line-length-in-source-file ... use
--no-tag-display-limit to see all (or pipe to a file/program)
P: lwip source: package-uses-old-debhelper-compat-version 9
P: lwip source: rules-requires-root-missing
P: lwip source: source-contains-prebuilt-doxygen-documentation
P: lwip source: source-contains-prebuilt-doxygen-documentation
P: lwip source: source-contains-prebuilt-doxygen-documentation
P: lwip source: source-contains-prebuilt-doxygen-documentation ... use
--no-tag-display-limit to see all (or pipe to a file/program)
P: lwip source: source-contains-prebuilt-javascript-object
doc/doxygen/output/html/jquery.js line length is 32401 characters
P: lwip source: source-contains-prebuilt-javascript-object
doc/doxygen/output/html/menu.js line length is 695 characters (>512)
P: lwip source: source-contains-prebuilt-javascript-object
doc/doxygen/output/html/search/all_11.js line length is 312 characters
P: lwip source: source-contains-prebuilt-javascript-object ... use
--no-tag-display-limit to see all (or pipe to a file/program)

On Thu, Dec 26, 2019 at 3:51 AM Joan Lledó <jlledom@mailfence.com> wrote:
> I'm maintaining the lwip package. The orig tarball includes doxygen
> documentation, and this produces many "source-is-missing" lintian
> errors. [1]

I would use the Files-Excluded feature in d/copyright to repack the
orig tarball. uscan will do the repacking for you. Please make sure to
mangle your version string with -ds1.

That will remove the generated files that upstream ships. It will also
remove many of your Lintian tags.

During the build process I would run cd doc/doxygen; doxygen
lwip.Doxyfile. I would then ship those files (or not generate them).

> I don't know how to proceed to clean this errors, b/c I'm not sure
> whether this is false-positive, an allowed exception or a bug on lintian.

I do not think it is any of these.

> I'd like to have your opinion on which would be the best approach to fix
> this errors.

Please see above.

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

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