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Bug#930679: Please add overridable tag for not using dh sequencer

control: tags -1 -moreinfo

>>>>> "Chris" == Chris Lamb <lamby@debian.org> writes:

    Chris> I mean we could certainly just whitelist all of
    Chris> src:haskell-*, but isn't the entire point of this tag to ask
    Chris> people to move to the dh sequencer? Or is it "actually fine"
    Chris> for them to use hlibrary.mk and this will just save the
    Chris> Haskell team whole bunch of boilerplate overrides with an
    Chris> identical explanation?

The consensus on debian-devel is that at this time cdbs is the best
choice for haskell.
I personally think that whitelisting the haskell packages would be best
right now, and hope that will change in the future.

    >> > c) The severity (ie. E/W/I/P)
    >> I'd recommend starting out with warning.  Some day it might move
    >> to error, but I think starting out there would be overly
    >> aggressive.

    Chris> My experience of Lintian suggests that W: would be too strong
    Chris> to start with. Sam, would you be okay with "I:" to begin
    Chris> with?

I'm not a Lintian maintainer.
The DPL has no special powers here.
I personally don't think this makes a lot of sense as an i: tag, but
that's not my call to make.

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