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Bug#924116: lintian: false positive of package-uses-dh-runit-...

[2019-03-12 06:23] "Chris Lamb" <lamby@debian.org>
> > If you prefer, yes, dh_runit creates directories under /etc/sv/.
> Can you be more specific? That would appear to catch runit itself, at
> the very least. How about if a package ships a file matching the
> following scheme?
>    /etc/sv/foo/run

Well, package can ship /etc/sv/foo/run without dh_runit. See, the real
purpose of ${runit:Breaks} is that if dh_runit is used with `logscript'
option, it will generate


which contains script, assuming features of recent versions of
bin:runit, hence the Breaks. Checking for this file would be
more accurate.

It should be noted, that packages can (and sometimes do, sign) ship
their own `/etc/sv/<foo>/log/run', not generated by `dh_runit', and
which do not need Breaks.

Hope this helps.
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