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Bug#629161: Please provide groff backport for lintian.d.o

Control: severity -1 wishlist
Control: block -1 by 867123
Control: retitle -1 groff: Please provide stable-backport
Control: reassign -1 groff

Hi Colin,

After consulting with Guillem, I wonder if you could provide a stable
backport of groff? As I am sure you are aware, that is what we run on
lintian.d.o. You previously offered as much here:


Guillem's primary concern seems to revolve around #867123 (update OS
macros). He has been using a self-help of sorts:


We would only require the groff backport after #867123 is fixed. That
bug now blocks the one in front of us.

Please assign this bug back to Lintian if you feel an error was made.

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

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