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Bug#943536: lintian: Stop shipping profile 'debian/ftp-master-auto-reject'

On Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 02:37:33PM -0700, Felix Lechner wrote:
> Based on information from #debian-ftp, which is recorded in part below, the
> profile is no longer being used. It will be removed in the near future.

How will this command line option work afterwards?

| -F, --ftp-master-rejects
| Run only the checks that issue tags that result in automatic rejects
| from the Debian upload queue.  The list of such tags is refreshed with
| each Lintian release, so may be slightly out of date if it has changed
| recently.
| This is implemented via a profile and thus this option cannot be used
| together with --profile.


I have never understood the female capacity to avoid a direct answer to
any question.
		-- Spock, "This Side of Paradise", stardate 3417.3

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