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Bug#935607: lintian: classify "Starting $DESC" in init.d scripts

control: tags -1 -moreinfo

[2019-09-08 21:26] "Chris Lamb" <lamby@debian.org>
> > unwanted and to be fixed.
> ... but, unless I'm missing something you can surely do that now
> almost trivially using codesearch.debian.net and certainly much
> quicker, independetly and with less hassle than introducing two new
> Lintian tags, etc.
> I thus suggest you do that and come back to this bug when you/we have
> a concrete implementation plan.

I should have thought about it myself. Codesearch gives following

 1. search for literal `Starting $DESC' gives three pages of init
    scripts. Majority (but not overwhelming, around 2/3) of them do
    /not/ check for $VERBOSE.

    Not very representative, given there is ~1300 services in Debian.

 2. search for `log_daemon_msg "Starting' gives 85 pages, with around 2/3
    (eyeball estimate) not checking for $VERBOSE. This search covers 850
    init scripts, which is rather good part.

 3. search for literal `"Starting ' gives hundred of pages, most of them
    false-positive (logging in C code).

Not unanimous, but I believe that *checking* for $VERBOSE should be
marked as deprecated.
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