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Bug#931847: Bogus package-supports-alternative-init-but-no-init.d-script test?

This Lintian check is also a false positive for e2fsprogs, where it's
triggering 4 false positive Lintian errors.  

Per https://lintian.debian.org/tags/package-supports-alternative-init-but-no-init.d-script.html:

This lintian tag has:

Emitted (non-overridden): 787, overridden: 22, total: 809

An update to override these 4 false positives for e2fsprogs is
currently stuck in the NEW queue (due to a new binary package), and is
not included in these statistics.

Certainly Lintian's claim that this Lintian error is "certain" is
completely false.

					- Ted

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