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Bug#929729: lintian: \n in filenames cause "md5sum: ...: No such file or directory"

On Sun, Jul 7, 2019 at 7:33 AM Chris Lamb <lamby@debian.org> wrote:

After a cursory review of filename handling in Lintian's index files I
can think of three possible solutions:

1. Use String::Escape in both directions to make sure the
transformation is reversible. (It currently isn't.)
2. Use Base64 to encode file names in the index.
3. Use an embedded DB such as SQLite in collections.

I am happy to contribute patches if we can agree on a way forward.

> Sure thing. (I wonder whether we should also check for (at least) \t
> and possibly even *invalid* unicode characters; those are a great way
> to make programs blow up.)

Since filenames are arbitrary byte sequences that serve as valid
identifiers in the file system, I am not sure it makes sense to impose
UTF-8 validation in Lintian.

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