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Bug#920575: copyright-without-copyright-notice assumes upstream has copyright notices

Hi Josh,

> However, this also applies to any upstream that simply doesn't
> contain any copyright notices.

Mm, do you have any examples, out of interest?

> Suppose you're packaging a piece of software for which `git grep -i
> copyright` returns absolutely nothing. In that case, requiring
> `debian/copyright` to contain something that looks like a copyright
> notice (e.g. "Copyright YYYY Some Person") seems wrong, and having to
> override that lintian warning seems similarly wrong

I would agree it would be wrong in those but I'm thinking that
statistically-speaking this is surely uncommon enough that making
Lintian drop this check (which is what you are asking for, right?)
a net negative.


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby@debian.org 🍥 chris-lamb.co.uk

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