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Bug#919979: lintian: check for headers in /usr/include/python3.x/ (instead of python3.xm)

Control: tag -1 - moreinfo

On 2019-01-21 10:13, Chris Lamb wrote:
>> Packages should not install and ship headers in /usr/include/python3.7/
>> but in /usr/include/python3.7m/ (or /usr/include/python3.7dm/),
> Why? I'll need such an explanation for the long description. :)

Installing files over symlinks may silently overwrite files from other
packages without dpkg noticing. Also depending on the unpacking order
either a symlink or a directory will be created, the latter resulting in
two separate trees in the filesystem which may break stuff (because some
headers cannot be found in /usr/include/python3.7m/).


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