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Some stats from the test suite


I ran some statistics on the test suite. While not fully accurate,
they still show some helpful details.

As far as the test suite is concerned, the following 23 tags appear to
be completely untested. (I realize the archive provides great
validation too.) If you see one of them often, please add a test case:

changelog-file: changelog-distribution-does-not-match-changes-file
changes-file: changed-by-invalid-for-derivative,
control-file: rules-requires-root-implicitly, should-specify-rules-requires-root
cruft: debian-files-list-in-source,
deb-format: tar-errors-from-control
debhelper: debhelper-compatibility-level-not-a-number
fields: invalid-field-for-derivative,
files: package-contains-eslint-config-file,
menu-format: menu-item-contains-unknown-tag, menu-item-needs-dwww,
old-format-menu-file, whitespace-after-continuation-character
menus: executable-in-usr-share-docbase, executable-menu-file
po-debconf: invalid-potfiles-in

Also, some checks emit large numbers of tags and should probably be
split into smaller pieces, if possible:

200 files
158 fields
91 scripts
84 cruft
48 changelog-file
45 debhelper
45 menu-format
41 menus
40 shared-libs
39 control-file
39 init.d
38 debconf
38 source-copyright
37 binaries
34 copyright-file
33 rules
29 description
25 changes-file
22 manpages
19 patch-systems
18 systemd
18 testsuite
18 watch-file
15 python
14 apache2
14 java
14 po-debconf

The data files are attached for anyone interested in further research.
Sorry about any errors. Thank you for reading!

Kind regards,
Felix Lechner

Attachment: checkstats.csv.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: tagstats.csv.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: teststats.csv.gz
Description: application/gzip

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