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Bug#905747: lintian: Better checking of DEP-5 copyright Files field

Package: lintian
Version: 2.5.94
Severity: minor

I saw the following in a d/copyright today and expected lintian to
give some form of warning:

Files:     *
Copyright: [...]
License:   License1

Files:     debian/*
Copyright: [...]
License:   License2

There are two distrinct issues here:

 1) The debian/patches/* entry in the first paragraph is completely
    overwritten by the debian/*.  There is no warning about this
    even though it is a mistake (redundant at best; most likely
    an incorrect license is recorded for the overshadowed entry).

 2) Having "*" together with anything else is redundant at best and
    almost certainly a mistake.

In the concrete case, what the person wanted was:

Files:     *
Copyright: [...]
License:   License1

Files:     debian/*
Copyright: [...]
License:   License2

Files:     debian/patches/*
Copyright: [...]
License:   License1

I.e. debian/* is under License2 except for debian/patches which has
the same license as all of upstreams code.


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