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Bug#898160: Please add (www\.)?gnu\.org to the whitelist of homepage-field-uses-insecure-uri

Chris Lamb <lamby@debian.org> writes:
> Hi Mattia,

>> I also got the same query via IRC, so apparently this really needed some
>> more words...

> I think it was more the ambiguous way "whitelist" in the title could
> be interpreted (ie. should be ignored vs should be warned about).

> Retitling to clarify.  (Still, "SSIA" comes across as a little... lazy! :p)

Oh, ack, I'm sorry.  I should have done a bit more investigation to
understand how this tag works before I replied and added noise.  My fault,
and thank you for the explanation!

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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