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Bug#897244: lintian: doc-base-file-references-missing-file for files in depending package

Rene Engelhard wrote:

> I'd agree for _warnings_, yes.
> Not errors. and these are errors.

Firstly, such a distinction not really relevant here; both are
displayed on DDPO and an outsider reading lintian.d.o would not be
aware of any nuance between the two.

Secondly this state of affairs won't even happen as a Lintian upload
is currently pending (indeed, likely later today) thus making this an
entirely hypothetical scenario.

Lastly — and more importantly — by focusing on the distinction between
"E:" and "W:", etc. I fear you have missed my central point about your
interaction style.


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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