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Bug#890356: lintian.d.o: maintainer reports (particular "full" ones) grows without bounds in size

Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net> writes:

> What particular part do you use or like about it?  From my PoV, it looks
> like it has too much information on it - even with out the
> classification tags.

I very much like that I can see all of the Lintian tags for all of my
packages on one page without having to bounce around.  Sometimes I use it
to build a to-do list of packages to go give some love to (and for that I
like to see the actual tag detail, not just a severity summary).

> This is where I wish our maintainer/full reports where different.  Maybe
> something like:

> """
> This is the lintian report for Russ Allbery, who maintains 20 packages.

> Possible issues found by lintian:

>   E: 10  (of which 3 are certain)
>   W: 3

> Style suggestions / nits:
>   I: 12
>   P: 255 (of which 120 of these are file-contains-trailing-whitespace in
> krb5)

> Other issues:
>   O: 7
>   X: 12
>   C: 33

Yeah, this would degrade the usefulness of the page a lot for me.  I can
go to the pages for my individual packages if I want to do that; seeing
all the things in one place is the whole point of the maintainer page for

It's still better than having to go check each individual package page
since there would be the links to each package page, but it means I have
to click a lot more to get the same information.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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