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Bug#889638: lintian: please downgrade build-depends-on-obsolete-package dh-systemd to warning

On Mon, Feb 05, 2018 at 04:06:04PM +0530, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Hi Mattia,
> > Right, but this way the whole tag has been downgraded.
> Mmm, as Lintian does not support "per-warning" severity levels. Is
> it worth having a separate, tags for the E and the W cases..?

I wondered about that too when I looked at the patch, and the list of
packages this tag applies to ...  but are there really cases where it
would be an "error" which wouldn't already be caught as such by the
package FTBFS in a clean chroot?

If things are deprecated, a warning about the transition is nice,
even if it's not actually the right time to change to the replacement
yet in every case.  Which is part of why I'd rather not override this
where it could be forgotten, I do want the visible reminder to reassess
it again later.

An "error" says to me "if you ignore this, stuff will break", which
isn't really the case for B-D: dh-systemd right now.  If it is the
case for other things, a separate tag might be warranted, but at first
blush to me that case seems like it should be handled by filing RC
bugs against any remaining users, and removing the offending package
this would check for completely, rather than simply deprecating it.
Is there something in between that still which we need to cater for?


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