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Bug#885042: Check inclusion of Apache 2.0 NOTICE files

On 19-Jan-2018, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Ben Finney <bignose@debian.org> writes:
> > We may be describing different problems. I am responding to a bug report
> > that claims:
> >     Apache 2.0 requires distributing any NOTICE file along with
> >     derivative works […]
> > and I'm asking how that assertion squares with the text of the license.
> Oh, if that was the question, the answer is that this was a quick
> and mildly inaccurate paraphrase of the actual license text because
> my bug report was written quickly.

Yes, I was taking that as your paraphrase of the intent of the license
text. I'm questioning how you get to that stated intent, because I
don't see it in the license text.

> Well, I don't agree with your interpretation of either Debian Policy
> or the license, and the active Lintian developers added the check I
> wanted, so I'm happy.

Thanks. I think you're telling me you don't want to engage with my
question about how you get the above statement of intent, from the
actual text of the license?

You're under no obligation of course, and I'm not demanding it; but
I'm currently at a loss to understand how you get there.

> If you want to try to talk the Lintian developers into removing the
> check again, feel free, and I won't further get in your way.

Thanks for saying so. To talk with them, though, I would be better
informed if I could say what your position is and know wy; as it is I
feel I would be putting words into your mouth. I don't want to do
that, but that's what I'm left with so far.

> My entire purpose in opening the original bug was to provide Debian
> packagers a pointer to an easy way to avoid this fiddly bit of
> license trivia with zero ongoing maintenance cost.

Likewise, my purpose here is to try to revoke this Lintian check,
since I see it as only causing extra work for no benefit.

> Talking it to death is directly contrary to the entire reason I
> created this bug. :)

I appreciate that sentiment :-)

I leave it open for you to go to the effort of explaining the missing
connection, so I don't have to guess when talking about it with the
Lintian maintainers.

 \           “The long-term solution to mountains of waste is not more |
  `\      landfill sites but fewer shopping centres.” —Clive Hamilton, |
_o__)                                                _Affluenza_, 2005 |
Ben Finney <bignose@debian.org>

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