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Bug#884142: package-contains-compiled-glib-schema may be in error


I believe that package-contains-compiled-glib-schema may be in error.

The topic of the original bug report states "test for packages shipping
/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled", which is good, nothing
should ever ship that.

However, the actual lintian test checks for any file called
gschemas.compiled, and suggests that it should be built using triggers.
Currently though, these are often built for gnome shell extensions at
package build time, which is a completely valid way of building these
binaries and there's really no benefit in recompiling these on the
end-user machine every time the package is installed/updated.

If compiling a gschemas.compiled for an extension at build time is
indeed undesirable and should always be called via trigger, then it
seems prudent that there should be some policy that reflects this before
it is added as a lintian error.


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