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Bug#885974: lintian: warn about non-git Vcs fields

Hi Mattia,

> > it would be a bit wrong to have Vcs-Svn actually point to a git repo…
> Yes please start warning (not pedantic) now about Vcses hosted at
> {anonscm,alioth,svn,bzr,hg,darcs,arch}.debian.org.

Non-sequitur? As I read it, Jeremy's comment was about mismatches.

However, could you provide an initial description for the case of {anonscm,alioth,svn,bzr,hg,darcs,arch}.debian.org?

> > What about QA packages? Maybe those at least should be using git
> > hosted with Debian.
> In general, I'd just warn about
> orphaned-package-not-maintained-in-debian.org-infrastracture 

Fancy retitling this bug for the above and cloning another for this
one? :)

Best wishes,

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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