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Bug#885432: bugs-field-does-not-refer-to-debian-infrastructure for non-Debian packages

Hi Niels & Russ,

> We have the lintian profile system that enables you to process packages
> in a different context than "debian" (e.g. "ubuntu" or your own personal
> context).  The profiles can enable / disable tags (or even change
> severity of the tags).

FYI bugs-field-does-not-refer-to-debian-infrastructure was disabled for
all !Debian profiles in its initial commit. :)

> However, we cannot guess which profile you want based on the package.

Whilst this might be playing whack-a-mole to some degree, just to be
somewhat complete in the response, you can also globally ignore tags
via your lintianrc.

Best wishes,

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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