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Bug#884870: lintian: vcs-field-has-unexpected-spaces and vcswatch don't agree

Re: Jeremy Bicha 2017-12-20 <[🔎] CAAajCMbgiPMJqvRFfm-5qsvbC53foSvzhtEw2PWL-SRByCMPJg@mail.gmail.com>
> to
> Vcs-Git: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-webkit/webkit.git -b wk2/unstable

> I think the " -b BRANCHNAME" suffix should be considered valid syntax
> for Vcs-Git.

Fwiw, the -b syntax was not invented by vcswatch, it was in use in the
archive before I wrote the service. I can't find a place where it is
documented (I thought it was debcheckout(1), but it's not in there),
but the idea behind it is that you can you paste the Vcs-Git header
content to "git clone" and it will do the right thing.

(I'm still pondering how a syntax for "package is located in this
subdirectory" should look like, but as that's not supported by "git
clone", I couldn't think of anything yet that would at least look like
the -b syntax. There's a need for it, though.)


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