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Bug#810000: lintian: False positive source-is-missing for cryptocat/otr.js

On 06/01/16 15:26, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-01-06 at 14:02 +0100, Ximin Luo wrote:
>> Grunt is going to take a while to package, due to the wider JS
>> ecosystem being generally stupid, over-bloated and self-important far
>> beyond its worth.
> I spoke to someone on IRC who was working on it the other day, it
> sounded like they were close, just packaging another 1KB JS file.

Do you have a more solid lead that we can chase down?

>> (For example, I very much doubt someone is going to maintain a debian
>> package for a JS npm package whose only purpose and ability is to
>> check if number-is-nan. Also, lol @ the meow -> indent-string ->
>> repeating -> meow cyclic dependency.)
> Uh, #797455

"maintain" is more than filing an ITP and uploading the initial package, it means making sure that other things continually work well with it across multiple versions, and when it is finally obsolete to see it get removed cleanly. Cost is important too. I would take good bets that the person intending to do this upload will go AWOL and drop the whole deal in 1-2 years, because the cost of maintaining npm bullshit is simply not worth the benefits.

>> Could we just make an exception at this time for this OTR.js embedded
>> copy? We can add very loud notices to debian/TODO and debian/rules
>> saying that this should be fixed whenever otr.js is packaged
>> properly, hopefully once we convince upstream to move away from
>> Grunt.
> I don't think the DFSG has exceptions :)

I don't see why you think this as a DFSG issue? This is an embedding issue, and there have been exceptions made before for this. If we can package Grunt soon, then ok we can wait, but my previous experience working with JS packages makes me strongly want to avoid this road.

>> [1] Seriously, WHO THE FUCK WRITES THIS SHIT???
> It is a different world from a different age, completely disconnected
> with the world of Linux distros. Unfortunately those people are the new
> Open Source ecosystem and abhor the distros and how we do things.

I wouldn't say they're the "new ecosystem" just yet, and "new" does not imply "better". In particular, that ecosystem does not understand the concept of long-term maintenance cost. Not discouraging packages whose metadata is larger in size than the data, not supporting forked version trees to backport bugfixes, etc, wastes massive amounts of time and effort in the end, which may be a good deal for the developers getting paid to waste this effort, but is not good for users and developers that want to see the overall FOSS ecosystem progress technologically.

>> Also, in terms of lintian and this bug report, *it is still a bug in
>> lintian*. It would still give a false positive even if otr.js is
>> packaged correctly. This is also triggered by some other JS stuff I
>> have been packaging.
> Agreed, but it is a bit much to expect lintian to be false-positive free.

Of course not for all warnings; but the warning for this specifically tells people to file bugs against lintian:


>> I would suggest that lintian be amended, so that if the file is >20-
>> 50 lines, and there are only 1-2 of these "long lines", then no
>> error/warning is emitted.
> IIRC it already has been toned down.

Well, it is still emitting this warning for that file (1 long line out of 2600 short lines [1]) currently. If any pending versions of lintian in git would not do this, then please add a pending tag and close this bug of course.


[1] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-mozext/cryptocat.git/tree/chrome/content/data/js/lib/otr.js


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