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Bug#790693: lintian: Aymara language code is ayc (not ay - not yet, at least...)

Hi Jonas!

* Jonas Smedegaard <dr@jones.dk>, 2015-06-30, 16:44:
Some of th sugar-*-activity packages trigger lintian warnings like this:

 W: sugar-read-activity: incorrect-locale-code aym -> ay

Long description of the lintian warning mentions that language codes are those is ISO 639-1 and ISO 639-2, but does not say which wins if listed in both but by different name.

The two-letter code wins. We should update the tag description to make it clear.

Wikipedia article on Amayran references the individual languages as "Southern Aymara" with code "ayc" and "Central Aymara" with code "ayr".

Only Amaya-related locale listed in /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED is ayc_PE - i.e. Southern Aymara in Peru.

As I understand it, renaming locale files to "ay" renders them unusable on a standard Debian system (needing /usr/local/share/i18n/SUPPORTED hack). Only Amayan language code usable in standard Debian currently is "ayc".

Not quite. You can set the LANGUAGE variable[0] to "ay" (or "ayc:ay" or similar), and the translations will work, even though the locale is not supported.

[0] https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/The-LANGUAGE-variable.html

Jakub Wilk

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