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Bug#471537: repacking

Some thoughts, (but not as yet a patch)

1. Could you check for the version number to spot repackaging? Usually a string following a "plus" sign

2. Could you look at the watch file? For example

opts=dversionmangle=s/\+ds$// \
http://sf.net/bashdb/bashdb-([0-9.]*)-([0-9.]*)\.tar\.gz \
        debian sh debian/repack.stub

The dversionmangle? The repack.stub?

3. What you want to check for, once repackaging is idnetified, is that it is done correctly? The uscan man page has:

If the upstream sources are modified because debian/copyright contains the Files- Excluded field, suffix will be appended to the upstream version of the repacked tar archive. Common suffixes might be +dfsg1 to indicate the removal of non-DFSG code or +ds1 to indicate the removal of embedded (DFSG) code copies.

4. If you need an excuse to defer implementing this, you might want to consider marking it as blocked by https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=685506 .

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