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Bug#798900: lintian: false positive: source-is-missing for non-minified JS files

On Sun, 13 Sep 2015 21:46:37 +0000 Sascha Steinbiss wrote:

> Looks like the JQuery DataTables libraries included are flagged as minified
> without source on the basis that they have lines longer than 1024 characters: 
> P: aegean source: source-contains-prebuilt-javascript-object data/share/vendor/jquery.dataTables.js line length is 1397 characters (>1024)
> E: aegean source: source-is-missing data/share/vendor/jquery.dataTables.js
> [...]

lintian is absolutely correct to flag this file, it is generated from a
bunch of other JavaScript files using Bash, PHP 5.4+, JSHint 2.1+ and
the Closure compiler, at least according to the upstream git repos:


I'm not sure what the correct heuristics to use are but in the
jquery.dataTables.js case the existing ones produced the right result.



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