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Bug#776796: lintian: False positive unused-file-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright

Hi Josue!

Thanks for the bug report.

* Josue Ortega <josueortega@debian.org.gt>, 2015-02-01, 13:58:
Lintian is returning a false positive unused-file-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright exactly when at the first paragraph in the Files field debian/* is specified.

Without a concrete example, I can only guess that you did something like this:

Files: debian/*
Copyright: 2015 Random Developer <randomdd@debian.org>
License: FooPL

Files: *
Copyright: 2015 Random Hacker <hacker@example.net>
License: BarPL

Here the following rule matters: "The last paragraph that matches a particular file applies to it." And since the last paragraph matches everything, the first one is unused.

The solution is to reorder the paragraphs: "More general paragraphs should therefore be given first, followed by more specific overrides."

Jakub Wilk

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