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[Lintian] Continuous-integration enabled, please ensure master already builds

As of today, we have three CI-systems available to help us catch bugs in
Lintian or problems with dependencies. A huge thanks to (in no
particular order):

 * Holger Levsen (jenkins.debian.net - build-time tests)
   - Tests on sid, testing and wheezy (with backports enabled)
   - Triggered on each commit pushed to git.debian.org
 * Jan Wagner (Travis-CI - build-time tests)
   - Tests on Ubuntu precise
   - Triggered on each commit pushed to github.com
 * Antonio Terceiro (ci.debian.net - installed-pkg tests/DEP-8)
   - Tests on sid (I guess)
   - Tested once a day (I believe)

Currently the jenkins and the ci/DEP-8 tests are *all green* ! The tests
on travis failed in the last run, but there are some spurious failures
there in general. I suspect that its perl5.14 threads being even less
reliable than perl5.18 threads.

More information about each CI:
 * Jenkins (https://jenkins.debian.net/view/lintian-tests/)
   - notification: mails debian-lint@d.o on failure
     (You may have seen "a couple" of those while Holger and I worked
      on setting it up)
 * Travis-ci (https://travis-ci.org/Debian/lintian)
   - notification: mails *me* on failure
     (once the tests are more reliable, they should go to the list)
   - Push here happens manually
 * ci.debian.net (http://ci.debian.net/#package/lintian)
   - notification: little one-line warning on the PTS on failure
   - http://ci.debian.net/data/unstable-amd64/packages/l/lintian/latest.log

The Github repository (in to which travis is hooked) is
https://github.com/Debian/lintian.  Currently, I manually push to it
every now and then (when I remember it). It is used only as a mirror (or
a fall-back for the occasionally git.d.o-outages).
  If you have a github account and want to be able to push to there, let
me know and I'll see if I can add you.  Just remember to always update
the master branch on git.d.o before doing it on github (that way we
should have no "history" issues).

I still consider Debian unstable, testing and stable (w. backports) the
primary supported platforms. That said, now that we have regular testing
on a precise, I see no reason to not keep it working as long as it does
not require a significant effort to maintain.

Once again, a huge thanks to Holger, Jan and Antonio! And please keep
our master branch building, so we don't get spammed by mails from
Jenkins! :)


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