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Re: Jenkins job for Lintian tests

Hi Niels,

On Donnerstag, 13. März 2014, Niels Thykier wrote:

> I have tried to create a Jenkins job configuration for continuously
> checking the Lintian test suite in the master branch.  I based it on the
> ruby-qa jobs and I would like it to run in at least sid and stable
> (testing is a nice addition, but not strictly necessary).

running it against all three is fine.

> Just to confirm that I got it right; it will mail
> lintian-maint@debian.org on failed builds (and the first successful one
> after a failure)?


my comments so far:

[04:23] <      h01ger> | nthykier: i've merged your lintian-tests.yaml now. 
http://jenkins.debian.net/job/lintian-tests_stable/1/ is the first test run
[04:26] <      h01ger> | there's some stuff missing, like triggering by git 
commits (and not time based as your config implies) and irc notification, but 
thats pretty minor, esp. compared to the failure we see in the above url :)
[04:26] <      h01ger> |  /tmp/chroot-testrun: line 8: ./ci-run: No such file 
or directory
[04:27] <      h01ger> | nthykier: whats the test you actually want to run?
[04:27]              * | h01ger clones the lintian repo locally...

More tomorrow/"today"... :)


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