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Bug#693918: lintian: Add test for missing keywords

On 2013-06-23 21:21, Boris Pek wrote:
> Hi,
> $ grep -r '^Name=' /usr/share/applications/ | wc -l
> 584
> $ grep -r '^Keywords=' /usr/share/applications/ | wc -l
> 0
> Could you provide examples?
> Because currently this lintian tag is useless...
> Best regards,
> Boris

Not sure if they are good examples, but I got:

$ grep -r '^Keywords=' \
$ grep -r '^Name=' \
$ grep -r '^GenericName=' \
[...]/lincity-ng.desktop:GenericName=City Simulation Game
[...]/freeorion.desktop:GenericName=Strategy Game

I have CC'ed Jeremy, who may be able to prove even more/better examples


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