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Bug#708551: Updated TODO list

On 2013-05-27 12:59, Mathieu Parent wrote:
> Hi,
> Attached are the updated patches.
> Remaining todo:
> - check for "--buildsystem=phppear" and "--with phppear" usage
> - check for php5-dev builddep when using PECL
> - check for ${phppear:summary} and ${phppear:description} in Description
> low priority:
> - check for builddep when using roles (currently, only php-horde-role
> is shipping a role)
> Regards
> --
> Mathieu


Thanks for the patches and the interest.  A couple of comments:

 * 0003 adds a tag that isn't used in that patch.  It is used in a later
   patch, so (for me) the question is whether it was supposed to have
   been in 0004 or if there is a bug in 0003.

 * 0007 opens a file without open succeeds (missing "use autodie;") and
   does not close the handle when it is done with it.

Beyond that, it looks like it is just mising some tests.


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