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Re: Stanford IDG internal Perl style

On 2013-04-04 01:52, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net> writes:
>> On 2013-03-29 18:24, Russ Allbery wrote:
>>> * Always check the results of operations. For many functions this can
>>> be done with 'use autodie' at the start of a script or module.  For
>>> anything not covered by autodie, you should add 'or die "some error:
>>> $!\n"' to the end of function calls that mail fail.  For print and say,
>>> death checking is is provided by the Stanford::Infrared::Wrappers
>>> module with the functions print_fh, say_fh, print_stdout, and
>>> say_stdout.
>> Got a couple of questions about autodie usage now that I have had a time
>> to look at it.
>> What is the stance on "autodie" for non-builtins?  Would you recommend
>> using for subs we write ourselves (possibly by deploying "autodie
>> hints")[1]?
> We haven't experimented with this at all.  It seems like a reasonable idea
> to me.  Mostly I just throw text exceptions with die.

Come to think of it, that might be an even better idea.

> For some larger, more complicated code, I've thought about switching to OO
> exception objects, since that seems to be a best practice and lets you do
> some other interesting things, like carry a lot more context information.
> It may be worth seeing whether a Lintian::Exception class combined with a
> general switch to throw/catch programming would simplify any major
> sections of code.

Creating a Lintian::Exception class shouldn't be much of a problem.  Do
you have any recommendation on what to use as a base class (if any).  I
know only of autodie::exception + Exception::Class.  My limited use of
exceptions in Perl leaves me at a disadvantage here.

>>   If so, why not use it for print (etc.).  If not, why only limit it to
>> builtins (is it somehow flawed).
> The problem with print is that it's impossible to write a prototype for
> print because of all the magic that's going on.  Therefore, autodie can't
> wrap it like other builtins (and say as well) and preserve existing
> behavior; some code with some calling conventions would break.

Ah, that makes sense. I just learned that autodie also have an issue with:
  open(STDERR, '>&', STDOUT);

(requring the latter bareword to be \*STDOUT to avoid a syntax error).
But it still beats having to check every single open/close call, so... :)

> If one is willing to use a consistent style for calling print, that can be
> avoided; the easiest way to do that is to use a wrapper around print that,
> for instance, always takes the file handle as the first argument, and then
> one can either throw text exceptions or use something like autodie with
> that.

Turns out not even "consistent call style" can help you here:

$ perl -Mautodie=print -e ''
Cannot make the non-overridable builtin print fatal at -e line 0
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.

Looks like wrapping is the only way to go with print.


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