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Implementation of vendor specific data files


I have been thinking some more on these vendor specific data files.  In
my original proposal[1], I "conveniently" left out how we are going to
implement the proposed extension.

In the code, we tend to load data files as soon as a check/module is
loaded (during the 'require/use $check;').  The question is how are we
going to pass the "vendor information" to these places.  First up, I
identified the following "uses" of Lintian::Data.

 * Lintian::Architecture
   - used by Lintian::Tags and checks/fields
 * Lintian::Check
   - used by various checks
 * checks/*

I have come up with two basic ideas for how to handle this.  The first
idea is to export the vendor information in %ENV like we do with
LINTIAN_ROOT.  The second idea is to load the data files in a static
module initialization method after require/use is completed.  Of the
two, I am preferring the latter.

The primary reason behind my preference is that the first solution
requires "magical" handling for some modules.  We would have to first
load Lintian::Profile, load the profile and export the profile
inheritance info via %ENV before we would be able to load Lintian::Tags etc.

On the other hand, I am not much for static initializations of regular
modules[2].  For Lintian::Architecture, I am considering to turn it into
a class/object.  For Lintian::Check, a static initialization might be

As mentioned, of the two I prefer static inits to "use/require" magic.
That being said, if you got a 3rd (or even 4th) idea, I would like to
hear it.


[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-derivatives/2011/12/msg00008.html

[2] For the checks, I do not really have a strong objection towards
adding static init subs.

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