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Bug#652380: missing-license-text-in-dep5-copyright when missing Files:

Package: lintian
Version: 2.5.4
Severity: minor

this copyright emits the missing-license-text-in-dep5-copyright warning
which is a bit confusing as the actual issue is the missing Files: tag.

Format: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5
Upstream-Name: python-gd
Source: http://newcenturycomputers.net/projects/gdmodule.html

Copyright: 1995, Richard Jones <richard@bofh.asn.au>
License: BSD

License: BSD

W: python-gd source: missing-license-text-in-dep5-copyright paragraph 2 bsd

adding the Files: * makes the warning disappear.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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