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Bug#645696: lintian: missing-license-text-in-dep5-copyright is too strict when considering "X+" licenses

Ximin Luo <infinity0@gmx.com> writes:

> There's a perfectly sensible way to represent it - write a stanza for
> GPL2, not GPL2+. It's perfectly clear, just as the following is clear:

> Files: X; License: A or B
> License: A; fulltext
> License: B; fulltext

> Not having stanzas for 3,4,or5 is a different issue, and the
> separate-GPL2+ method has this issue too.

> Files: X; License: A+
> License: A: fulltext

> vs

> Files: X; License: A+
> License: A+: fulltext

> Please explain why the former version is somehow less coherent, or makes
> "less sense".

Because the *text* explaining the "+" part appears nowhere in the file in
this case, and I don't believe that's acceptable.  We need to include the
legal statement from upstream, not just make it implicit in the "GPL-2+"
tag in the file.

> Nitpicking uncomfortable corners now saves headaches in the future;
> besides I already proposed a solution, so why is it a problem?

Because I think your solution is wrong.  :)

> The reason I know about this example is because I have already come
> across similar situations. If you make the conceptual mistake of
> including preamble with the license, you must have multiple license
> blocks for each preamble.

That's correct.  That's my understanding, also, of what ftpmaster says
that people should do.

> For example, the MPL standard preamble lists all the different types of
> authors, instead of being a general preamble. If you have 2 distinct
> premables, it would be absurd to have both in the MPL License:
> paragraph, yet that is exactly what above example suggests for GPL2.

There may be some missing DEP5 feature for representing this, but I
believe that both of those preambles do indeed need to be in the copyright
file, at least ideally.  Not having them both is something I consider a
bug.  (The severity of the bug is arguable.)

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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