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Bug#642833: Hmm, config-edit can be improved

Le Tuesday 27 September 2011 17:39:57, Jakub Wilk a écrit :
> FWIW, lintian uses this algorithm to determine type of a paragraph:
> if it's not the header paragraph {
>     if Files field exists {
>       it's a files paragraph
>     } elsif License field exists {
>       it's a stand-alone license paragraph
>     } else {
>       it's a unknown paragraph type, emit a warning
>     }
> }

For the record, as of libconfig-model-perl 1.258, the DEP-5 parser implements 
the same algorithm. Sorry for the delayed notice.

Jakub, thanks for the advice.

All the best

http://config-model.wiki.sourceforge.net/ -o- http://search.cpan.org/~ddumont/
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