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[SCM] Debian package checker branch, lab-refactor, updated. 2.5.3-67-g2752a71

The following commit has been merged in the lab-refactor branch:
commit e0cce1ac1a29c2c4254e7d1b6b89530a9d36d28d
Author: Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net>
Date:   Sun Sep 25 09:21:14 2011 +0200

    Remove the old Lab code as it is no longer used
    Signed-off-by: Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net>

diff --git a/frontend/lintian b/frontend/lintian
index d540831..a66a621 100755
--- a/frontend/lintian
+++ b/frontend/lintian
@@ -1788,7 +1788,7 @@ sub load_pkg_list {
 # {{{ Exit handler.
 sub END {
-    # Prevent Lab::delete from affecting the exit code.
+    # Prevent Lab->close_lab from affecting the exit code.
     local $?;
     $SIG{'INT'} = 'DEFAULT';
diff --git a/lib/Lab.pm b/lib/Lab.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 5efad76..0000000
--- a/lib/Lab.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-# Lab -- Perl laboratory functions for lintian
-# Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Various authors
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, you can find it on the World Wide
-# Web at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html, or write to the Free
-# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
-# MA 02110-1301, USA.
-package Lab;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use base qw(Exporter);
-use Carp qw(croak);
-# Lab format Version Number increased whenever incompatible changes
-# are done to the lab so that all packages are re-unpacked
-use constant LAB_FORMAT => 10.1;
-# Export now due to cicular depends between Lab and Lab::Package.
-    @EXPORT = ();
-    %EXPORT_TAGS = (
-        constants => [qw(LAB_FORMAT)],
-        );
-    @EXPORT_OK = (
-        @{$EXPORT_TAGS{constants}}
-        );
-use Util;
-# Only used by _populate_with_dist; remove when not needed
-use Lintian::Output qw(:messages);
-use Lintian::Command qw(spawn);
-use Lintian::Internal::PackageList;
-use Lab::Package;
-use Cwd;
-use File::Temp;
-# Quiet "Name "main::LINTIAN_ROOT" used only once"
-# only used by _populate_with_dist
-() = ($main::LINTIAN_ROOT);
-sub new {
-    my ( $class, $dir ) = @_;
-    my $self = {
-        state => {},
-    };
-    bless $self, $class;
-    $self->_init( $dir );
-    return $self;
-# returns a truth value if the lab is initialized and exists
-sub is_lab {
-    my ( $self ) = @_;
-    my $dir = $self->{dir};
-    return unless $dir;
-    # New style lab?
-    return 1 if -d "$dir/info" && -d "$dir/pool";
-    # 10-style lab?
-    return -d "$dir/binary"
-	&& -d "$dir/udeb"
-	&& -d "$dir/source"
-	&& -d "$dir/info";
-sub _init {
-    my ( $self, $dir ) = @_;
-    if ( $dir ) {
-        # Make sure we can always find it, even if we chdir around a lot.
-        my $absdir = Cwd::realpath($dir);
-        fail("Cannot determine the absolute path of $dir: $!") unless($absdir);
-	$self->{mode} = 'static';
-	$self->{dir} = $absdir;
-        # This code is here fore BACKWARDS COMPATABILITY!
-        #  - we can kill it when LAB_FORMAT goes from 10 to 11.
-        #  Basically this auto-upgrades existing static labs to support changes files
-	if (-d "$absdir" && -d "$absdir/binary" && ! -d "$absdir/changes") {
-	    mkdir("$absdir/changes", 0777)
-		or fail("cannot create lab directory $absdir/changes");
-	}
-    } else {
-	$self->{mode} = 'temporary';
-	my $created = 0;
-	for (1..10) {
-            my $absdir;
-            $dir = tmpnam(); # Not always absolute (e.g. if TMPDIR is relative)
-            $absdir = Cwd::realpath($dir);
-            fail("Cannot determine the absolute path of $dir: $!")
-                unless $absdir;
-	    if ($self->_do_setup( $absdir )) {
-		$created = 1;
-		last;
-	    }
-	}
-	unless ($created) {
-	    fail("cannot create lab directory $dir");
-	}
-    }
-    return 1;
-# Initialization method for static labs; must be called after new.
-sub setup_static {
-    my ( $self ) = @_;
-    unless ( $self->{mode} eq 'static' and $self->{dir} ) {
-	warning('no laboratory specified (need to define LINTIAN_LAB)');
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return $self->_do_setup( $self->{dir} );
-# backing sub for setup_static and (in some cases) _init
-sub _do_setup {
-    my ( $self, $dir ) = @_;
-    return unless $dir;
-    v_msg("Setting up lab in $dir ...");
-    # create lab directory
-    # (Note, that the mode 0777 is reduced by the current umask.)
-    unless (-d $dir && ( $self->{mode} eq 'static' )) {
-    	mkdir($dir,0777) or return 0;
-    }
-    # create base directories
-    for my $subdir (qw( pool info )) {
-	my $fulldir = "$dir/$subdir";
-	if (not -d $fulldir) {
-	    mkdir($fulldir, 0777)
-		or fail("cannot create lab directory $fulldir");
-	}
-    }
-    # Just create empty files if they don't already exist.  If they do already
-    # exist, we need to keep the old files so that the list-* unpack programs
-    # can analyze what changed.
-    for my $pkgtype (qw( binary source udeb )) {
-	if (not -f "$dir/info/$pkgtype-packages") {
-	    touch_file("$dir/info/$pkgtype-packages")
-		or fail("cannot create $pkgtype package list");
-	}
-    }
-    $self->{dir} = $dir;
-    $ENV{'LINTIAN_LAB'} = $dir;
-    $self->_populate_with_dist();
-    return 1;
-# Deprecated; we need a better API for keeping the Lab in sync with a mirror.
-sub _populate_with_dist {
-    my ( $self ) = @_;
-    return 0 unless $ENV{'LINTIAN_DIST'};
-    return 0 unless $self->{dir};
-    debug_msg(2, "spawning list-binpkg and list-srcpkg since LINTIAN_DIST=$ENV{'LINTIAN_DIST'}");
-    my $v = $Lintian::Output::GLOBAL->verbosity_level() > 0 ? '-v' : '';
-    my %opts = ( out => $Lintian::Output::GLOBAL->stdout );
-    spawn(\%opts, ["$LINTIAN_ROOT/unpack/list-binpkg",
-		  "$self->{dir}/info/binary-packages", $v])
-	or fail('cannot create binary package list');
-    spawn(\%opts, ["$LINTIAN_ROOT/unpack/list-srcpkg",
-		  "$self->{dir}/info/source-packages", $v])
-	or fail('cannot create source package list');
-    spawn(\%opts, ["$LINTIAN_ROOT/unpack/list-binpkg",
-		  "$self->{dir}/info/udeb-packages", '-u', $v])
-	or fail('cannot create udeb package list');
-    return 1;
-# $lab->get_entry($pkg_type, $pkg_name)
-# Fetches an entry from the Lab
-# On success this returns a Lab::Package, on error it returns C<undef>
-sub get_entry {
-    my ($self, $pkg_type, $pkg_name) = @_;
-    my $state = $self->_get_state($pkg_type);
-    my $lpkg;
-    my $pdata = $state->get($pkg_name);
-    my $lpdir;
-    return unless $pdata;
-    $lpdir = $self->_get_lpkg_dir($pkg_type, $pkg_name, $pdata->{'version'});
-    $lpkg = Lab::Package->new($self, $pkg_name, $pdata->{'version'},
-                              $pkg_type, $pdata->{'file'}, $lpdir);
-    unless ($lpkg->entry_exists) {
-        # State is outdated (or $lpkg auto-removed itself)
-        $self->_lpkg_removed($pkg_type, $pkg_name);
-        return;
-    }
-    return $lpkg;
-# Internal sub to find the directory in the Lab for a Lab entry
-sub _get_lpkg_dir {
-    my ($self, $pkg_type, $pkg_name, $pkg_version, $pkg_arch) = @_;
-    my $dir = "$self->{dir}/pool/";
-    if ($pkg_name =~ m/^lib/o) {
-        $dir .= substr $pkg_name, 0, 4;
-    } else {
-        $dir .= substr $pkg_name, 0, 1;
-    }
-    $dir .= "/$pkg_name";
-    $dir .= "${pkg_name}_${pkg_version}";
-    # avoid "_source_source" entries for source packages
-    $dir .= "_$pkg_arch" if $pkg_type ne 'source';
-    $dir .= "_$pkg_type";
-    return $dir;
-# $lab->_load_state($pkg_type)
-# Internal sub to load the state for a package type
-sub _get_state{
-    my ($self, $pkg_type) = @_;
-    my $state = $self->{state}->{$pkg_type};
-    return $state if defined $state;
-    my $file = $self->{dir} . "/info/${pkg_type}-packages";
-    $state = Lintian::Internal::PackageList->new($pkg_type);
-    $state->read_list($file);
-    $self->{state}->{$pkg_type} = $state;
-    return $state;
-# $lab->_lpkg_removed($pkg_type, $pkg_name)
-# Internal sub to notify the lab that a package was removed from the lab
-# Updates the state cache
-sub _lpkg_removed {
-    my ($self, $pkg_type, $pkg_name) = @_;
-    my $state = $self->_get_state($pkg_type);
-    $state->delete($pkg_name);
-    return 1;
-# lab->generate_diffs(@lists)
-# Each member of @lists must be a Lintian::Internal::PackageList.
-# The lab will generate a diff between the given member and its
-# state for the given package type.  The diffs are returned in the
-# same order as they appear in @lists.
-# The diffs are valid until the original list is modified or a
-# package is added or removed to the lab.
-sub generate_diffs {
-    my ($self, @lists) = @_;
-    my $labdir = $self->{dir};
-    my $infodir;
-    my @diffs;
-    fail("$labdir is not a valid lab (run lintian --setup-lab first?).\n") unless $self->is_lab;
-    $infodir = "$labdir/info";
-    foreach my $list (@lists) {
-        my $type = $list->type;
-        my $lab_list = $self->_get_state($type);
-        push @diffs, $lab_list->diff($list);
-    }
-    return @diffs;
-# $lab->write_state()
-# Flushes the state data to the disk; this is important for static
-# labs to ensure that the package lists are in sync with the contents.
-# Will croak if it fails.
-# Note: this is a "no-op" for temp labs, since they are not intended to
-# be reused later.
-sub write_state {
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    my $infodir;
-    return 1 if $self->{mode} eq 'temporary';
-    croak "Lab does not exists" unless $self->is_lab;
-    $infodir = $self->{dir} . "/info";
-    foreach my $pkg_type (keys %{$self->{'state'}}){
-        my $state = $self->{$pkg_type};
-        next unless $state->dirty;
-        $state->write_list("$infodir/${pkg_type}-packages");
-    }
-    return 1;
-# Deletes the lab if (and only if) it exists and is a static lab
-# Returns a truth value on success
-sub delete_static {
-    my ( $self ) = @_;
-    unless ( $self->{mode} eq 'static' and $self->{dir} ) {
-	warning('no laboratory specified (need to define LINTIAN_LAB)');
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return $self->_do_delete;
-# Deletes the lab if (and only if) it is a temporary lab
-# Returns a truth value on success (or it is not a temp lab)
-sub delete {
-    my ( $self ) = @_;
-    return 1 unless $self->{mode} eq 'temporary';
-    return $self->_do_delete;
-# The backing sub for delete and delete_static
-sub _do_delete {
-    my ( $self ) = @_;
-    my $dir = $self->{dir};
-    return 0 unless $dir;
-    v_msg("Removing $dir ...");
-    # chdir to root (otherwise, the shell will complain if we happen
-    # to sit in the directory we want to delete :)
-    chdir('/');
-    # does the lab exist?
-    unless (-d $dir) {
-		# no.
-		warning("cannot remove lab in directory $dir ! (directory does not exist)");
-		return 0;
-    }
-    # sanity check if $self->{dir} really points to a lab :)
-    unless (-d "$dir/info") {
-		# info/ subdirectory does not exist--empty directory?
-		my @t = glob("$dir/*");
-		if ($#t+1 <= 2) {
-			# yes, empty directory--skip it
-			return 1;
-		} else {
-			# non-empty directory that does not look like a lintian lab!
-			warning("directory $dir does not look like a lab! (please remove it yourself)");
-			return 0;
-		}
-    }
-    # looks ok.
-    if ( -d "$dir/pool") {
-        # New lab style
-        unless (delete_dir("$dir/pool", "$dir/info")) {
-            warning("cannot remove lab directory $dir (please remove it yourself)");
-            return 0;
-        }
-    } else {
-        # 10-style Lab
-        unless (delete_dir("$dir/binary",
-                           "$dir/source",
-                           "$dir/udeb",
-                           "$dir/changes",
-                           "$dir/info")) {
-            warning("cannot remove lab directory $dir (please remove it yourself)");
-            return 0;
-        }
-    }
-    # dynamic lab?
-    if ($self->{mode} eq 'temporary') {
-		if (rmdir($dir) != 1) {
-			warning("cannot remove lab directory $dir (please remove it yourself)");
-                        return 0;
-		}
-    }
-    $self->{dir} = '';
-    return 1;
-    # private helper variable.
-    my %pkg_types = (
-        'b' => 'binary',
-        'binary' => 'binary',
-        'c' => 'changes',
-        'changes' => 'changes',
-        's' => 'source',
-        'source' => 'source',
-        'u' => 'udeb',
-        'udeb' => 'udeb',
-    );
-    # deprecated - needs a reasonable public API replacement
-    sub get_lab_package {
-        my ($self, $pkg_name, $pkg_version, $pkg_arch, $pkg_type, $pkg_path) = @_;
-        my $vpkg_type = $pkg_types{$pkg_type};
-        my $realpath = Cwd::realpath($pkg_path);
-        my $dir;
-        fail("Unknown package type $pkg_type") unless($vpkg_type);
-        fail("Could not resolve the path of $pkg_path") unless($realpath);
-        $dir = $self->_get_lpkg_dir($vpkg_type, $pkg_name, $pkg_version, $pkg_arch);
-        return Lab::Package->new ($self, $pkg_name, $pkg_version, $vpkg_type,
-                                  $realpath, $dir);
-    }
-# Returns a truth value if this is a "multi-version" Lab
-# This means that a new version of the same package can be extracted to the lab
-# without overwriting the old one.
-sub _supports_multiple_versions{
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    return $self->{mode} eq 'temporary';
-# Returns a truth value if this is a "multi-arch" Lab
-# This means that (e.g.) an i386 and amd64 package with the same name will be stored
-# separatedly.  Otherwise unpacking a new package with different architecture will
-# override the old one.
-sub _supports_multiple_architectures{
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    return $self->{mode} eq 'temporary';
-# vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet
diff --git a/lib/Lab/Package.pm b/lib/Lab/Package.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index dc177db..0000000
--- a/lib/Lab/Package.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
-# Lab::Package -- Perl laboratory package for lintian
-# Copyright (C) 2011 Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, you can find it on the World Wide
-# Web at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html, or write to the Free
-# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
-# MA 02110-1301, USA.
-package Lab::Package;
-=head1 NAME
-Lab::Package - A package inside the Lab
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Lab;
- my $lab = Lab->new ("dir", "dist");
- my $lpkg = $lab->get_lab_package ("name", "version", "arch", "type", "path");
- # create the entry if it does not exist
- $lpkg->create_entry unless $lpkg->entry_exists;
- # Remove package from lab.
- $lpkg->delete_lab_entry;
-Hallo world
-use base qw(Class::Accessor);
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Carp qw(croak);
-use File::Spec;
-use Util;
-use Lintian::Output qw(:messages); # debug_msg and warning
-use Lintian::Collect;
-use Lintian::Command qw();
-use Lab qw(:constants); # LAB_FORMAT
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item Lab::Package->new ($lab, $pkg_type, $pkg_name, $pkg_path, $base_dir)
-Creates a new Lab::Package inside B<$lab>.  B<$pkg_type> denotes the
-(long) type of package (e.g. binary, source, udeb ...) and
-B<$pkg_name> is the name of the package.  B<$pkg_path> should be the
-absolute path to the packed version of the package (needed during
-unpackaging etc.).  B<$base_dir> is the base directory of the package
-inside the Lab.
-Note: this method should only be used by the Lab.
-## FIXME: relies on $ENV{LINTIAN_ROOT}
-sub new{
-    my ($class, $lab, $pkg_name, $pkg_version, $pkg_type, $pkg_path, $base_dir) = @_;
-    my $self = {};
-    bless $self, $class;
-    croak("$pkg_path does not exist.") unless( -e $pkg_path );
-    $self->{pkg_name} = $pkg_name;
-    $self->{pkg_version} = $pkg_version;
-    $self->{pkg_path} = $pkg_path;
-    $self->{pkg_type} = $pkg_type;
-    $self->{lab} = $lab;
-    $self->{info} = undef; # load on demand.
-    # ask the lab to find the base directory of this package.
-    $self->{base_dir} = $base_dir;
-    # Figure out our unpack level and such
-    $self->_check();
-    return $self;
-=item $lpkg->lab()
-Returns the lab this package is associated with.
-=item $lpkg->pkg_name()
-Returns the package name.
-=item $lpkg->pkg_version();
-Returns the version of the package.
-=item $lpkg->pkg_path()
-Returns the path to the packaged version of actual package.  This path
-is used in case the data needs to be extracted from the package.
-=item $lpkg->pkg_type()
-Returns the type of package (e.g. binary, source, udeb ...)
-=item $lpkg->base_dir()
-Returns the base directory of this package inside the lab.
-Lab::Package->mk_ro_accessors(qw(lab pkg_name pkg_version pkg_path pkg_type base_dir));
-=item $lpkg->info()
-Returns the L<Lintian::Collect|info> object associated with this entry.
-sub info {
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    my $info;
-    croak 'Cannot load info, extry does not exists' unless $self->entry_exists;
-    $info = $self->{info};
-    if ( ! defined $info ) {
-	$info = Lintian::Collect->new($self->pkg_name, $self->pkg_type, $self->base_dir);
-	$self->{info} = $info;
-    }
-    return $info;
-=item $lpkg->clear_cache
-Clears any caches held; this includes discarding the L<Lintian::Collect|info> object.
-sub clear_cache {
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    delete $self->{info};
-=item $lpkg->delete_lab_entry()
-Removes all unpacked parts of the package in the lab.  Returns a truth
-value if successful.
-sub delete_lab_entry {
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    my $basedir = $self->{base_dir};
-    return 1 if( ! -e $basedir);
-    $self->clear_cache;
-    unless(delete_dir($basedir)) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    $self->{lab}->_lpkg_removed($self->pkg_type, $self->pkg_name);
-    return 1;
-=item $lpkg->entry_exists()
-Returns a truth value if the lab-entry exists.
-sub entry_exists(){
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    my $pkg_type = $self->{pkg_type};
-    my $base_dir = $self->{base_dir};
-    # Check if the relevant symlink exists.
-    if ($pkg_type eq 'changes'){
-	return 1 if -l "$base_dir/changes";
-    } elsif ($pkg_type eq 'binary' or $pkg_type eq 'udeb') {
-	return 1 if -l "$base_dir/deb";
-    } elsif ($pkg_type eq 'source'){
-	return 1 if -l "$base_dir/dsc";
-    }
-    # No unpack level and no symlink => the entry does not
-    # exist or it is too broken in its current state.
-    return 0;
-=item $lpkg->create_entry()
-Creates a minimum lab-entry, in which collections and checks
-can be run.  Note if it already exists, then this will do
-sub create_entry(){
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    my $pkg_type = $self->{pkg_type};
-    my $base_dir = $self->{base_dir};
-    my $pkg_path = $self->{pkg_path};
-    my $link;
-    my $madedir = 0;
-    # It already exists.
-    return 1 if ($self->entry_exists());
-    unless (-d $base_dir) {
-	# if we are in a multi-arch or/and multi-version lab we may
-	# need to make more than one dir.  On error we will only kill
-	# the "top dir" and that is enough.
-	system ('mkdir', '-p', $base_dir) == 0
-	    or return 0;
-	$madedir = 1;
-    }
-    if ($pkg_type eq 'changes'){
-	$link = "$base_dir/changes";
-    } elsif ($pkg_type eq 'binary' or $pkg_type eq 'udeb') {
-	$link = "$base_dir/deb";
-    } elsif ($pkg_type eq 'source'){
-	$link = "$base_dir/dsc";
-    } else {
-	croak "create_entry cannot handle $pkg_type";
-    }
-    unless (symlink($pkg_path, $link)){
-	# "undo" the mkdir if the symlink fails.
-	rmdir($base_dir) if($madedir);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    if ($pkg_type eq 'source'){
-	# If it is a source package, pull in all the related files
-	#  - else unpacked will fail or we would need a separate
-	#    collection for the symlinking.
-	my $data = get_dsc_info($pkg_path);
-	my (undef, $dir, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath($pkg_path);
-	for my $fs (split(m/\n/o,$data->{'files'})) {
-	    $fs =~ s/^\s*//o;
-	    next if $fs eq '';
-	    my @t = split(/\s+/o,$fs);
-	    next if ($t[2] =~ m,/,o);
-	    symlink("$dir/$t[2]", "$base_dir/$t[2]")
-		or croak("cannot symlink file $t[2]: $!");
-	}
-    }
-    return 1;
-# $lpkg->_mark_coll_finished($name, $version)
-#  Record that the collection $name (at version) has been run on this
-#  entry.
-#  returns a truth value on success; otherwise $! will contain the error
-#  This is used by frontend/lintian, but probably should not be.
-sub _mark_coll_finished {
-    my ($self, $collname, $collver) = @_;
-    # In the "old days" we would also write the Lintian version and the time
-    # stamp in these files, but since we never read them it seems like overkill.
-    #  - for the timestamp we could use the mtime of the file anyway
-    return touch_file "$self->{base_dir}/.$collname-$collver";
-# $lpkg->_is_coll_finished($name, $version)
-#  returns a truth value if a collection with $name at $version has been
-#  marked as completed.
-#  This is used by frontend/lintian, but probably should not be.
-sub _is_coll_finished {
-    my ($self, $collname, $collver) = @_;
-    return -e "$self->{base_dir}/.$collname-$collver";
-# $lpkg->_clear_coll_status($name)
-#  Removes all completation status for collection $name.
-#  Returns a truth value on success; otherwise $! will contain the error
-#  This is used by frontend/lintian, but probably should not be.
-sub _clear_coll_status {
-    my ($self, $collname) = @_;
-    my $ok = 1;
-    my $serr;
-    opendir my $d, $self->{base_dir} or return 0;
-    foreach my $file (readdir $d) {
-	next unless $file =~ m,^\.$collname-\d++$,;
-	unless (unlink "$d/$file") {
-	    # store the first error
-	    next unless $ok;
-	    $serr = $!;
-	    $ok = 0;
-	}
-    }
-    closedir $d or return 0;
-    $! = $serr unless $ok;
-    return $ok;
-sub update_status_file{
-    my ($self, $lint_version) = @_;
-    my @stat;
-    my $pkg_path;
-    my $fd;
-    my $stf = "$self->{base_dir}/.lintian-status";
-    # We are not unpacked => no place to put the status file.
-    return 0 unless $self->entry_exists();
-    $pkg_path = $self->{pkg_path};
-    unless( @stat = stat($pkg_path)){
-	return -1;
-    }
-    unless(open($fd, '>', $stf)){
-	return -1;
-    }
-    print $fd "Lintian-Version: $lint_version\n";
-    print $fd 'Lab-Format: ' . LAB_FORMAT ."\n";
-    print $fd "Package: $self->{pkg_name}\n";
-    print $fd "Version: $self->{pkg_version}\n";
-    print $fd "Type: $self->{pkg_type}\n";
-    print $fd "Timestamp: $stat[9]\n";
-    close($fd) or return -1;
-    return 1;
-## FIXME - does this really need to be public?
-sub remove_status_file{
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    my $stfile = "$self->{base_dir}/.lintian-status";
-    return 1 unless( -e $stfile );
-    if(!unlink($stfile)){
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return 1;
-#End of public methods
-# Checks if the existing (if any) entry is compatible,
-# if not, it will be removed.
-sub _check {
-    my ($self) = @_;
-    my $basedir = $self->{base_dir};
-    if( -d $basedir ) {
-	my $remove_basedir = 0;
-	my $pkg_path = $self->{pkg_path};
-	my $data;
-	my $pkg_version = $self->{pkg_version};
-	# lintian status file exists?
-	unless (-f "$basedir/.lintian-status") {
-	    v_msg('No lintian status file found (removing old directory in lab)');
-	    $remove_basedir = 1;
-	    goto REMOVE_BASEDIR;
-	}
-	# read unpack status -- catch any possible errors
-	eval { ($data) = read_dpkg_control("$basedir/.lintian-status"); };
-	if ($@) {		# error!
-	    v_msg($@);
-	    $remove_basedir = 1;
-	    goto REMOVE_BASEDIR;
-	}
-	# compatible lintian version?
-	if (not exists $data->{'lab-format'} or ($data->{'lab-format'} < LAB_FORMAT)) {
-	    v_msg('Lab directory was created by incompatible lintian version');
-	    $remove_basedir = 1;
-	    goto REMOVE_BASEDIR;
-	}
-	# version up to date?
-	if (not exists $data->{'version'} or ($data->{'version'} ne $pkg_version)) {
-	    debug_msg(1, 'Removing package in lab (newer version exists) ...');
-	    $remove_basedir = 1;
-	    goto REMOVE_BASEDIR;
-	}
-	# file modified?
-	my $timestamp;
-	my @stat;
-	unless (@stat = stat $pkg_path) {
-	    warning("cannot stat file $pkg_path: $!");
-	} else {
-	    $timestamp = $stat[9];
-	}
-	if ((not defined $timestamp) or (not exists $data->{'timestamp'}) or ($data->{'timestamp'} != $timestamp)) {
-	    debug_msg(1, 'Removing package in lab (package has been changed) ...');
-	    $remove_basedir = 1;
-	    goto REMOVE_BASEDIR;
-	}
-	if ($remove_basedir) {
-	    my $pkg_name = $self->{pkg_name};
-	    my $lab = $self->{lab};
-	    v_msg("Removing $pkg_name");
-	    $self->delete_lab_entry() or croak("Could not remove outdated/corrupted $pkg_name entry from lab.");
-	}
-    }
-    return 1;
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Niels Thykier <niels@thykier.net>
-# Local Variables:
-# indent-tabs-mode: t
-# cperl-indent-level: 4
-# End:
-# vim: sw=4 ts=8 noet fdm=marker

Debian package checker

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