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Re: RFC: further parallelisation (dependency-based collection and check scripts)

[re-sending as I suspect it hit an attachment size limit]

Hi everyone,

With the last set of changes to Lintian::Command::Simple, it is now 
to use the dependencies-based version without regressions.

So, I was wondering if these changes could make their way into the next 

The only change we previously determined as a requirement I haven't made is 
renaming Lintian::PDepMap. I intend to do this while waiting for further 
Further speed improvements will be achieved once we rewrite most of the 
Lintian namespace as previously discussed, so that for example checks are 
not delayed until the overrides file is collected.

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

Attachment: lintian_dep-based.mbox.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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