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Re: practice owners' dependence on the economy

Hi ,

In the news online today, I read about the description of the 'double-dip recession' which is already upon us as the next wave of economic downturn is predicted.

The writings have been on the wall since 2-3 years ago and yet only now there were some admission of the financial troubles the country is in.

In June this year, the government even promoted economic recovery though there were double digits unemployment numbers - close to 20% (higher than previous years) and 39 million Americans on Food Stamps, up 22% from the 1 year ago.

The US deficit is at its highest ever today: 13.3 trillion!

Raising of taxes will be the next resort by our government.

Yet, do you know that if the US government were to tax all of us 100%, all our taxes will not come even close to balance the deficit which the goverment's overspending has caused?

If you do not protect yourself, and expect Uncle Sam to bail all of us out, you will have a big surprise! ( Uncle Sam is in trouble himself!)

Here is an article about how not to be a victim of the inevitable crash but be well-protected no matter what happens:


Specially pay attention to the video at the end. You will not like this news: 


Helmut Flasch
Founder of Award-Winning
"Un-Advertising” Marketing Strategies

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