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Bug#580494: lintian: stronger-dependency-implies-weaker false positives on package names containing substvars

Andreas Beckmann <debian@abeckmann.de> writes:

> lintian reports incorrectly 

>     W: nvidia-graphics-drivers source: stronger-dependency-implies-weaker libcuda1-ia32 recommends -> suggests nvidia-kernel${nvidia:Legacy}-source (>= ${nvidia:Version})

> for the following contruct in debian/control:

>     Package: libcuda1
>     Recommends: nvidia-kernel${nvidia:Legacy}-${nvidia:Version}
>     Suggests: nvidia-kernel${nvidia:Legacy}-source (>= ${nvidia:Version})

> Looks like lintian only considers 'nvidia-kernel' as the package name,
> omitting the substvars and everything coming after them. For the source
> package the full package name including unsubstituted substvars should
> be considered when comparing them, "collisions" (= different
> substitutions resulting in the same package name really creating a
> stronger-dependency-implies-weaker relalationship) can be detected in
> the binary packages.

A bad assumption in an underlying library (that the package name would
only be a name or a substvar, not a mix of both).  Thanks, will be fixed
in the next release.

(Collisions can't be detected in binary packages by Lintian since
dpkg-gencontrol helpfully and silently optimizes them away for you before
the binary package is generated, which is why we do the analysis on the
source package and have to deal with substvars.)

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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