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Bug#566820: lintian: Warn about missing debian/source/format, advise switch to new 3.0 source formats

Raphaël Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org> writes:

> We could also add a tag "using-old-source-format" that warns of specifying
> 1.0 in that file.  Obviously this one should start among the "pedantic"
> tags but its importance might be increased over time once we decide to
> really deprecate the old format.

I think that if someone went through the trouble of specifically putting
1.0 in that file then there is a reason for it. Such a person will have
been anoyed with the lintian warning about missing debian/source/format
and will have considered and rejected changing to 3.0 (quilt). Anoying
him yet again will not help.

My 2c,

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