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Re: Bits from the Lintian maintainers

On Jan 2, 2010, at 18:59, Martin Ågren wrote:

> Hi lintian maintainers!
> [I decided not to respect the Reply-To: d-d and instead contact you directly.]
> 2010/1/2 Russ Allbery <rra@debian.org>:
>> We're also looking for someone who would like to tackle converting the
>> Lintian manual to Docbook instead of DebianDoc-SGML and working on
>> updates.  There's quite a bit about Lintian that isn't currently
>> documented.  If you're interested, let us know.
> I'm interested in helping out with this. Having cloned the git repo


It would be really, really great if someone were to outline how to add/remove tests from lintian's list of tests. If one could run 'pools' of tests while using linitian's reporting infrastructure and in-depth debian knowledge that would be a boon for all those who want to do QA on packages who are downstream from debian - and there is a huge number of people there. 

I am willing to help with this - I have dived into the codebase already - but lintian is big and the code calls lots of modules so it takes time to document. If the lintian team might somehow prioritize that, or even be willing to answer questions, that would be a huge win I believe.


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