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RFC: getting rid of unpack-level

Hi everybody,

Recently I've been working on getting rid of the Unpack-Level stuff but I
have a couple of concerns that I would like to sort out so that I know how
to proceed.

Attached is an mbox with what I've done so far so that you can take a look
at it and understand what I'm talking about.

Some of my concerns are:
* By moving the level 2 code to the "unpacked" collection script I had to
add a flag so that it can be automatically removed whenever --keep-lab is
not requested; but this doesn't allow for the old behaviour of specifying
an unpack level for the whole lab.
* It is currently not possible to exclude a collection script, which removes
the possibility of telling lintian to run all the checks that don't need
the unpacked data. Adding such an option is not easy with the current
order-number based approach; with the introduction of a dependencies-based
system care should be taken so that collection scripts depending on
unpacked are correctly marked as satisfied (if they actually are) even if
unpacked is not to be executed.
* By getting rid of the unpack-level concept there will no longer be a way
to indicate whether packages should only be unpacked, checked, removed on a
lab, or whether they should be left there, or what.

Are any of these behaviours okay? comments? any other kind of feedback?

Dpendencies-based lintian status: it seems to be working fine, although the
other day I found a bug while re-playing the add() instructions to rebuild
the tree, affecting lintian when requested to check multiple packages. The
only remaining part is to run the check scripts as soon as possible (which
requires another layer between Lintian::DepMap and the frontend so that it
can distinguish between collection scripts and check scripts).

On a side note, I tried to use wait() so that there's no need to
continuously try to reap the spawned jobs, but it ended up messing with
IPC:Run's expected behaviour and caused the jobs to be marked as failed.

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

Attachment: lintian-no-unpack-level.mbox
Description: application/mbox

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