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Bug#515068: orig.tar.{bz2,lzma} support

Trent W. Buck wrote:
> I know that dak doesn't support the whizzo new dpkg features yet, but
> it would be nice if I could use lintian with them for my private
> packages.  Currently debuild gives me this, with a orig.tar.lzma
> source package:

As a matter of fact, lintian can check source packages compressed with
bzip2, and it is not, IMO, the responsible for the lack of support for

As you can try on your own, if you
tar -tvf path/to/orig.tar.{gz,bz2}
it will display the contents of the tarball. Now, if you try the same 
command on a tarball compressed with lzma it won't work. This appears to be
caused by tar not recognising this compression format automagically.
To unpack a tarball compressed with lzma tar must be called with --lzma,
however, this doesn't feel like the right solution because if there is no
need to specify it neither in the case of gzip nor bzip2 there is no reason
to do it for lzma.

As I'm not a lintian maintainer I'm not marking this bug as blocked by
#347636 (bug report against tar asking for lzma auto detection, CC'ed), as
there is another solution: manually set --lzma if needed.

Raphael Geissert - Debian Maintainer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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