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Re: error messages in the raw lintian.log

Russ Allbery wrote:
> We could easily duplicate the check that tar is doing.  


> We already do for 
> binary packages; we just don't for source packages.  

I have always wondered what the exact relation between that check and dak

> Unfortunately, it's 
> one of those annoying upstream bugs where there isn't much the Debian
> package maintainer can do to fix it unless they repackage the upstream
> source.

Yes, but maybe the maintainer did *something*. On guile's case, only
the -1.8 tarball has that problem, 1.6 which is also in sid does have
correct time stamps. I couldn't find upstream's 1.8 tarball, only the ones
for the previous releases, so I downloaded the snapshot which has 1.8 in
its name; as you may guess from my comment, the tarball I downloaded also
had correct time stamps.

By the way, bit off topic, shouldn't the source-contains-* checks better be
severity: pedantic? There's no much maintainers can do about those but
repack the tarball and/or bug upstream, not to mention that they usually
don't affect the final .deb and when they do another check should catch

Raphael Geissert - Debian Maintainer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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