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Bug#557971: [new check] deprecated relation operators in debian/control

Jakub Wilk <ubanus@users.sf.net> writes:

> According to Debian Policy:

>> The relations allowed are `<<', `<=', `=', `>=' and `>>' for strictly
>> earlier, earlier or equal, exactly equal, later or equal and strictly
>> later, respectively.  The deprecated forms `<' and `>' were used to mean
>> earlier/later or equal, rather than strictly earlier/later, so they
>> should not appear in new packages (though `dpkg' still supports them).

> However, lintian doesn't mind < and > operators in debian/control:

Lintian had a test for this already, but dpkg-dev was modified to
recognize the old forms and warn about them (probably good, although that
warning is very easy to miss) and then fix them (not as obviously good).
This happens a lot.  It's kind of annoying, although in this case it
probably helps minimize problems with the old version of dpkg not
supporting the relations properly.

I've now added a test against the source package's debian/control to
detect these, so you should now get a warning regardless of the behavior
of dpkg-dev.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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